Responsible Gaming

Responsible gaming is an important part of policy at We believe that gaming shouldn’t have a negative influence in your life or of those around you. We protect underage users from accessing the resource, as well as users from excessive addiction to gambling.

It is crucial to understand that gambling is, first of all, a game, not a way of earning money. It should bring pleasure and a lot of positive emotions.

Rules of responsible gaming:

  • Set a time and financial limit for the game, do notoverstep the limits

  • Expect to lose – the odds are against you and loss is part of the game

  • Do not gamble of credit, do not loan money to place a bet

  • If you play, be in a good shape physically and mentally

  • Create balance in your life, do not prioritize gambling over family, job, friends and hobbies

  • Make sure you’re playing for fun

If sports betting has stopped being fun and started taking up a lot of your time, then you need to take a break.

Ask yourself the following questions:

  • Do you borrow money to make a bet?

  • Are you gambling more than you can afford to lose?

  • Are you annoyed if you can't bet or if you lose more than usual?

  • Are you trying to make up for previous gambling losses?

  • Have you ever gambled to escape troubles?

If you have answered yes to any of these questions, it may indicate that you may have an issue with compulsive gambling. Please, be honest with yourself and seek the relevant support. Do not be ashamed of this.
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